CGB Humbertherm have vast experience of working on Petrochemical sites going back to 1974.
We have long term experience of and are able to design, supply and install insulation systems to:
- Pre-Assembled Units (P.A.U.’s)
- CUI Standards for painting and insulation
- Petroleum Storage Tanks
- Chemical Storage Tanks
- Refining Columns and vessels
- Coke Drums
- Reactors
- Heat Exchangers
- Spheres
- Pumps
- Steam and Process piping
- Fireproofing
- Cryogenic and Refrigeration installations

The insulation types that we have most experience in are:
- Preformed MMMF and sheetmetal cladding (for piping and fittings)
- MMMF Mattress and profiled cladding (for boilers, equipment and ducts)
- Cellular glass with vapour barrier (Terostat etc) for Cryogenic LNG Systems
- PIR/PUR Foams with vapour barriers for Cryogenic systems.
- Refining Columns and vessels
- High temperature products such as Insulfrax
- Bespoke insulation jackets using varying types of insulation infill and cloth facings.
- Cassettes and composite panels for acoustic enclosures
- Specialist insulation systems using materials such as microporous silica and aerogels
- Alternative finishes such as Fibaroll and Tembutil