One of our main areas of expertise is in the design, supply and installation of all types of insulation for use on power generation plants.
We provide insulation systems for:
- Boilers and Auxiliary Plant
- Gas Turbines
- Steam Turbines
- Exhaust Diffusers
- Acoustic Enclosures
- Ducting
- Steam and Auxiliary piping
- Pumps
- Spheres
- Pumps
- Fireproofing

The insulation types that we have most experience in are:
- Preformed MMMF and sheetmetal cladding (for piping and fittings)
- MMMF Mattress and profiled cladding (for boilers, equipment and ducts)
- Cellular glass with vapour barrier (Terostat etc) for Cryogenic LNG Systems
- PIR/PUR Foams with vapour barriers for Cryogenic systems.
- Refining Columns and vessels
- High temperature products such as Insulfrax
- Bespoke insulation jackets using varying types of insulation infill and cloth facings.
- Cassettes and composite panels for acoustic enclosures
- Specialist insulation systems using materials such as microporous silica and aerogels
- Alternative finishes such as Fibaroll and Tembutil