CGB Humbertherm offer a free measure and estimating service for a variety of purposed designed jackets based on operating temperatures and location of the works, internal or external.
Valve and Flange Covers
All Jackets are designed to be reusable and are accepted as a quick and economic way of reducing heat loss and generating cost savings.
All Jackets are fitted with Drawstrings for effective closure and where required will have additional fastenings of press-studs and/or a twist lock system.
Typical Jackets range from piping, fittings, valve and flanges to vessels, dome ends, ducting and other specialist items of equipment.
Other advantages of using Insulation Jackets are as follows:
- They are easy to Install, remove, store and replace for maintenance (Re-usable).
- They give Personnel Protection from burns.
- Jackets are suitable for freeze protection
- Jackets can reduce noise levels
- Jackets are Water Repellent (Outer finish of standard covers is silicone cloth).
- The overall cost to manufacture and install an insulation jacket is comparable to that of traditional metal jacketing.
- Insulation jackets give a relatively short pay-back period – can be less than a year.
- Jackets can be manufactured to fit complicated and intricate shapes